
Showing posts from May, 2010

Flying Pig 2010

I don't have any pictures because it was too wet for me to attempt being a photographer, but I definitely have stories!!! I signed up for the Relay leg last year as part of a group wide effort at work. I trained to build up to the miles mostly out of not wanting to let my team down -- since I had signed up with a team of females who are pretty athletic and in shape. I really enjoyed the camaraderie and as an added bonus I lost the majority of baby weight I'd been struggling with after two babies. So at the end of the experience last year I decided the next goal would be to sign up for the Half Pig this year, especially because after training so hard for the relay I hadn't kept up with running and the baby weight had caught up with me again. Someone convinced me to join the Feet Fleet running group which was originally a hassle because of the time commitment and distance from home, but it turned out to make all the difference in the world. I learned things ...