
Showing posts from 2016

Marketing Jobs

In my current job I see a lot of people undergoing job transitions and looking to expand their networks in order to improve their chances of future job placement.  Today I met a very interesting woman who had a very similar profile to mine, minus the international experience.  She wanted to talk to me given my similar profile in Marketing and see how I saw the job market these days. She seemed to think that it's harder and harder to find jobs in Marketing in Peru these days. One of the reasons? It seems that because of the economic downturn and the uncertainty about the election results (sounds just like the US, I know) companies are cutting back on Marketing budgets. Sounds familiar right? DON'T. CUT. BACK. ON. MARKETING. BUDGETS. FOLKS.  Maybe there's some fat that you can trim here and there, maybe you change your marketing vehicles in favor of more cost efficient ones like Digital (and I'm not saying you should), maybe you focus more on Trade Marketing or Pr...

Chinese New Year

I have always been a big fan of the Chinese Horoscope, especially around Chinese New Year.  However, some of the Tiger predictions for the Year of the Fire Monkey seem pretty crappy for me so I have been hesitant to post them here for fear of making some of those bad predictions come true! However, I did find this one website which for some reason I had never found before, which I found terribly insightful.  Maybe not so much because of the predictions  but more so because of the compatibility analysis and personality analysis . I feel like I learned a lot about myself and others close to me reading this.  Hope you do as well.

Book reco: American Chica

Thankful for the Christmas holidays and a wonderful trip to Puerto Rico which allowed me to catch on my reading. On December 21st my good friend German recommended this book  and taking advantage of the fact that Amazon delivers PAPER books to Puerto Rico quickly (vs. Peru) I ordered it right away and got it on the 24th of December. What can I say? I couldn't put it down until I finished it.  Maybe because I identified a little bit too closely with the constant straddling of two worlds and the never knowing where you're really from or where you're really going. Of course I wish I had the talent to describe this bi-cultural life as beautifully as Marie Arana did, but alas, I have to be content with just being able to read such poetic stories. I cannot wait to order her other book, Lima Nights .  But first I am reading the next book of the Millenium series which I just downloaded on the Kindle last night. And I still have to go back to Elon Musk .  I have this th...