Cincinnati Walk for Preeclampsia

I am putting up this note that I received from a dear friend in the hopes that maybe it'll get some more support on the blog (not that I have many readers but anyway!). I have not disclosed her name to protect her privacy.

Dear friends,

On Saturday, May 10, at 10 a.m., I will be walking in the Cincinnati Area Preeclampsia Foundation Friends and Family Walk to show my support for the more than 76,000 women and the over 500,000 children who die each year due to preeclampsia (toxemia) complications.

I am walking in memory of Chiqui Isaza, my son, who died at birth on May 7, 2006 due to preeclampsia complications.
Please visit my website at to learn more about my personal experience with preeclampsia, the Friends and Family walk, facts about this potentially life-threatening disorder, and to make a donation if so inclined.

If you decide to donate, please make the donation “in memory of Chiqui Isaza” so that the national Preeclampsia Foundation knows you are supporting the Cincinnati walk.

Many thanks in advanced!


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