Enjoying a rare moment of peace

By some miracle of nature both kids went down for a nap at the same time today. And it's been almost 2 hours and they're both still sleeping! And since my husband has been glued to the TV with the Ryder Cup for the last 72 hours I said I'll be right back I need to try to find some jeans that don't make me look like a hobo at Gap. Gap is still without power (at least the one by my house) which made for an interesting fitting room experience. There's plenty of natural light that wasn't the problem, but the heat was killing me. However, I did find a great pair of jeans (thank God for Curvy) and also 4 shirts on sale so I was a happy camper! And I got a Kroger shopping trip in there as well which says a lot about my awesome time management skills. Whatevs! By the way, they must be giving stuff away at Kroger or something because the lines are crazy.

I also paid back the 6 bags of ice I stole after the power outage last Sunday. I said I would I'm not a thief! I also bought a lotto ticket from him, I figure he gave me luck in finding much needed ice last Sunday, so maybe he'll give me luck with the lotto too. I need to do a whole other entry on the funny story as to why I needed ice so badly, it's a bit TMI so I'm afraid to do so (it involved breastmilk and I'll just leave it at that).

The kids have been sick on and off forever, everyone says of course that's what happens the minute they start day care. Sebastian finally got a fever on Friday and because he's so little we got worried and took him to the doctor. The doctor always says not to worry about a fever, that a fever by itself is not a bad thing, but I don't know why fevers always scare the shit out of me. Now he's got a really bad rash all over his body and so I got worried again and took him to the doctor again (the doctor must think we're first time parents!) but again he said not to worry, that this was just a side effect from the fever and that it'll clear up on its own in less than 10 days. I think I could be a pediatrician in the US! Just say to everyone "don't worry" and "there's nothing we can give him" and I can make as much money as they do and have as many satisfied patients as they do...which is zero? Hmmm. If my math is right a lot of money over zero is infinity? That's a great equation for saying "don't worry" and "there's nothing we can give him".

Gabi also looks like she might have a bladder infection. She's had a fever as well and has complained about pain in her lower back and pain when urinating. However, it's been 36 hours since we started trying to have her peeing in a cup, and we have failed MISERABLY time and again. We don't know what else to do at this point. We have promised ponies, trips, cousins from New Haven, visits from grandparents, a year's supply of ice cream all in one day, EVERYTHING. First of all she's quite undecided about what she actually wants, she'll either say "something Dora" or a "T-shirt with a dinosaur like Caillou" (what 3 year old girl asks for a T-shirt with a dinosaur like Caillou!?!?!). Secondly even the pony hasn't gotten her peeing in the cup. So alas we still remain in the dark about whether she's actually got a bladder infection or not. One of the doctors said if they don't pee in a cup we might have to take them to Children's hospital and have a catheter put in, but if we can't get her to pee in a cup, how are we doing to get a catheter in!?

Despite her potential sickness, we went to her friend Andrea's house yesterday and of course she refused to come home with us so had another sleepover. She's crazy! She just had us change her into her PJ's, gave us both a kiss and said NOW GO! So even though the baby had a bad night and therefore I was up quite a bit, we were still able to get a good walk in at Lunken Airport this AM which is another rare treat because I barely ever get to do any exercise these days now that work is so crazy. The only thing missing from my day would've been a nice breakfast at Echo or Sugar and Spice. But I get too greedy...

The little one just woke up screaming for his bottle, so this will conclude this episode of "The Rookiest Parents".


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