Another day another trip

I am on the airplane on my way to new haven to visit my sister and surprise my dad since I wasn't able to see them for Xmas. Which I guess means I should wait to publish this until my dad has actually landed and I've given him the surprise. We meant to bring sebastian as well but he is pretty sick at home with what seems like a terrible cold if not something worse than that so I felt terrible about bringing him on the plane. Although sadly I must admit traveling alone with one kid seems like a breeze compared to traveling with two. I miss the little guy terribly though, and I'm sad my sister and nephew and dad won't get to spend time with him.

It's been miserably cold in Cincinnati, as in I don't wish this cold upon anyone, including my worst enemy. I complained about the damn cold to the pediatrician yesterday when she saw sebastian but she actually said in weather as cold as this bacteria in fact die off and people tend to get less sick. I don't know if I buy it. All I know is I'm counting down two more months until the spring and wondering how many winters I can put up with and put the kids through. Not many I don't think. I need a warm place asap. I imagine where my sister lives must look really pretty this time of year, but there's a saying in Spanish that goes "mirame y no me toques" ("you can look but you can't touch") and I imagine that's how bad the cold must be.

At least purchased tickets to go to puerto rico in April and celebrate sebastians first birthday there. I can't wait. In the meantime, I need to keep dieting as yet another time to be in a bathing suit quickly approaches. For that I have to be thankful for a horrible stomach virus I got while in Peru which thankfully drove me to not gain any weight. However, the tight restrictions in caloric intake are driving me up the wall, especially since tomorrow we are supposed to go to the yummiest puerto Rican place in the city when we go pick up dad at the airport. Jose, who is on hiatus from flying because the last few flights we were on were way too bumpy for his taste, actually said he would consider traveling this weekend just to go to that restaurant that's how good it is. When I remember the name I'll give it a plug here. And maybe they can pay for my tummy tuck to return the favor...

UPDATE: The Restaurant's name is EL NUEVO BOHIO. Highly recommend it. Of course now I'm going to be sick but it was well worth it...


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