Oh Fleas!

I had a Girls Night Weekend in Miami last weekend, which coincided with my 35th bday (that's another case of "that's a subject for a separate blog post!). When I got home I thought the house was going to be utter chaos but actually it wasn't that bad at all. What was bad was the fact that Sebas was covered in what seemed like mosquito bites from head to toe. Jose had called me when I was at the airport to tell me and my first instinct was to think an infectious skin thing (Rosalea maybe?) that had been going around day care the previous week. Strangely, though, as soon as I came home I started itching as well. While on the plane Jose took him to the ER where they told him they thought it was flea bites. But I guess seeking the quintessential second opinion the next day we went to his regular doctor who said hives. So I forgot about the fleas but made a mental note to ask the vet on Friday since Borges was due for his yearly check-up. Of course I completely forgot to ask, Borges is 7 or 8 years old (so bad I can't remember anymore!) and he's never had a flea in his life because he pretty much stays indoors the whole time. But yep, I get a message from the vet saying my cat's got fleas, which means I guess the ER opinion on Sebas' bites was the correct one. It also means I probably got bitten by the fleas as well. Funny though that only Sebas and I were the victims but Gabi and Jose were completely spared. I had to have the poor cat cut "Lion King" style again (I will post pictures as soon as he stays still for one minute, I wish I had been able to snap one while he was wearing a red bandanna on his neck), I started a dose of those monthly treatments like Frontline, and in true freak-out parent mode, we are having the house fumigated for fleas next Friday and I hope that gets rid of the little suckers (literally!) forever.

P.S. This is my first blog post written on my new MacBook Pro, which I looooooove.


lice treatment said…
Ugh! Fleas...don't get me started. I got them a few years ago too, and all we have are 2 indoor cats, so guess one snuck outside or something, but these little creatures where EVERYWHERE...i mean every inch of the house had little fleas jumping around.

We had to bomb like every few days and finally got rid of them, but UGH! This post brought me back to a horrible flea experience we had...i wouldnt wish it on anyone! Your doggie sounds sweet!


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