Beautiful weather

It's amazing what a little nice weather can do for the spirits. Even though we are in that post vacation depression where we question time and time again why we live so far away from family, Geneva weather decided to be kind to us to help ease the transition back into Geneva life. We had about 50 degree weather all weekend long.  And better yet, gorgeous sunny days, quite unlike the norm. So we hit up the park, went ice skating on Sunday morning and went to the indoor pool on Sunday afternoon. Couldn't have asked for a better transition weekend! Now today we wonder, "do we really have to go to work". Sadly yes. We still havent learned how the Swiss lottery works!

We also saw Rapunzel in 3D which was great only we had to see it in French and we had to lie about Sebas age and say he's 5. :) Oh, and I'm addicted to the Instagram iPhone app, which I used to retouch this picture of beautiful Route de Florissant!


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