Sebas is 3!

This weekend our little angel/devil turned 3.  While we didn't nearly make as big of a deal about it as we have done with Gabi in the past, this is the first year where we actually set out to buy him presents (the last two years we figured he'd be happy with presents he got from family/friends).  We woke him up on Saturday morning and surprised him with all his presents and it was soo cute to see how he kept saying "I so excited, I so excited!".  While he had a few meltdowns throughout the day due to lack of napping (who can nap when it's your birthday?!) he enjoyed the weekend to the fullest - he played non-stop with the neighborhood kids who sang happy birthday to him, he had water fights, got into fights, scraped his knees, etc.  In other words, now we really have a HANDFUL! :)

Here he is with his Toy Story 3 cupcakes I got from this place in Geneva, they were yummy!  I'm still recovering from eating so much cake and then having to run 10 miles yesterday.

On Thursday we begin the journey to Puerto Rico, I absolutely cannot wait!!!! We'll be there for about a week and I want to soak up the sun and good food every single minute.  Also on other news, Gabi now has THREE loose teeth at the same time so pretty soon she'll be missing all four front teeth (two top and two bottom).  Don't know how cute she'll look but she's all excited about it because it means she's a big girl.


Jessica said…
Felicidades Sebas! Q rico q disfrutaste tanto y la celebracion continuara en la Isla, q disfruten mucho.
Comico q dices el lack of nap el sabado pues Andy estuvo igual en su fiesta, ya al final no podia con su vida por el lack of nap.
Hoy yo estoy bittersweet... pq mi papa se fue hoy, mi BFF tambien y mi esposo esta enfermo. At least we had all of them all weekend, but it was too short! y wow, 3 dientes loose?! Q emocion para Gabi, como se nos crecen de rapido, verdad? A ver si subo fotos esta noche, estoy bien desconecta'. :)
Unknown said…
Gracias Jessica ya se que triste es cuando se va la familia y los amigos. Ojala los puedas ver de nuevo pronto! Carinos.

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