Father's Day Brunch

While there are many "boulangeries" where you can have a nice croissant or pain au chocolat in Geneva, we were really looking for something more like American brunch for Father's Day. I did some research online and we ended up going to this place called O Calme in Carouge, which is near the center of the city. While I can't say the food was exactly as yummy as I would find it in Sunday brunch in the US, the brunchy vibe was definitely there (the Calm in the restaurant name is actually an acronym which means "Comme A La Maison" ("like at home")). We got pancakes for the kids, I got the full brunch (eggs, pancakes, oatmeal) plus coffee and Jose got this thing which was basically smoked salmon on top of pancakes. So we were happy with our find! Not a place to go every weekend, but definitely a cool place for special ocassions. And a huge plus was that our kids were not the loudest people in the place. :)

After brunch we went bowling, then we went to an INSANE birthday party for one of Gabi's friends from school (I cannot even begin to explain how elaborate this party was, I just hope Gabi doesn't ask for the same thing for her birthday!) and then we went to Kung Fu Panda with our neighbor Lola. By the time we got home I was ready to pass out. Plus I'd had so much sugar between brunch and the birthday party I was literally crashing. Back to the gym today...


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