First weekend at home in a while...

If my count is correct this is the first weekend at home in about 10 weeks. We were able to do grocery shopping, get school supplies for kids they were still missing, go to the movies, and catch up on laundry. Phew. Jose complained at times that he was bored and that we shouldn't go another weekend without traveling so he planned another two trips during the weekend! Go figure. Me? I was happy to actually be able to relax a little. Yes I think the kids were probably a bit restless especially because it was rainy and cold (looks like summer is officially over) so they weren't able to go outside much. But I am grateful for being able to take a breather to catch up and even go through the closet and take mental note of Fall clothes I had bought and didn't even remember I had! But of course next week the traveling starts again. Jose's going to Cincinnati for a week of work travel and if everything goes well we'll meet up in Miami the following weekend for a good friend's 40th birthday party.


Jessica said…
so estas en Miami para el wiken del 8-9 octubre? :)
Unknown said…
Hopefully llego el 29 de sept. y salimos el 2 de oct. Si este catarro se me va rapido!
Jessica said…
eso es ya! pues me avisas si hay algun break de vernos. un beso y q te mejores, aca el clima esta super. so bring your bikini! ;)
Unknown said…
de verdad? yo habia visto el weather forecast y decia rain and thunderstorms por los proximos 10 dias! Goes to show you how much the weather people know...
Jessica said…
si, pero son pasajeras, not to worry. claro, de aqui alla puede cambiar la cosa, pero no creo, low 90s x el dia y low 80s/70s por las noches. se que estaras feliz. :)
Unknown said…
con el frio que hace aqui that sounds like HEAVEN

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