Golf Widow
I've had many an argument this week about whether the husbands should go play golf every weekend and leave us "golf widows" alone with the kids for 4-5 hours every weekend. This week I got some horrible virus that's going around which had all the symptoms of the swine flu. I went to the ER last Sunday because I was scared that whatever it was the kids would get. Turns out thankfully it was only a virus, but the bad news was that Gabi then got it Sunday night so I had to stay with her in the house Monday and Tuesday. And then Sebas got it Tuesday night so I had to stay home with him Wednesday. Now normally I don't even know how stay at home moms can do it, and this was no exception! But trying to be a stay at home mom, while feeling like crap, while having to work at night to try to catch up with the day (paying!) job, that is just as overwhelming as things get. So when Wednesday afternoon Jose gets a call from a buddy who invites him to yet another golf outin