
Showing posts from February, 2013

Yahoo´s telecommuting issues

In the wake of the recent Yahoo controversy, I read this blog post by Penelope Trunk that gave me a huge wake up call.  I´ve already been feeling the pressure of the new job -- people in this job spend way more hours at the job than what I´m used to from my previous job and it´s been making me feel super guilty with the kids at home.  At the same time I don´t even feel like I´m spending enough time at work because the learning curve is so huge and I should be spending a ton more hours to really understand what´s going on and to be at par with co-workers and managers.  So the constant work life balance struggle was starting to tug at me again. It´s also been a shock to my system just because I had something in my previous job that I took for granted that apparently isn´t as common as I would´ve initially thought.  Lots of people around me who wanted the same things for their work-life balance, they wanted to get ahead but also be there for their kids. So I keep crying uncle and think

Marcelo Wong

While this summer has gone by way too fast (the kids already start school next Monday!), I have loved the opportunity to give the kids so many cultural and sports activities to enjoy.  Just to give you an idea Sebas has done soccer, general sports, swimming, and ceramics, while Gabi has done tennis, gymnastics, swimming and art.  This last Saturday at the beach Gabi had the opportunity to participate in a workshop by a famous local artist called Marcelo Wong .  I have always loved his work but it´s a bit pricey for me! But his style is just too cute for words. Whimsical is probably the best term I can come up with! I really wish I could put one of his pieces in each room in my new house. So when Gabi was invited to this workshop we were both super excited.  She didn´t even know why Marcelo Wong was so famous but when he came over to ask her what she wanted to do with her piece she was swooning! :) She worked on her piece all morning and then at night we went to a little

Graciela´s 50th birthday

Last weekend we got away for a mini vacation which was of course very stressful getting to but then was totally worth it given how crazy things have been here lately. We just basically hung out with friends the whole weekend, I haven´t seen all those folks in like 2 years so it was much needed for me. Here´s the girls and I singing a birthday song for our friend Graciela who brought us all together for her birthday and gave us a much needed excuse to get together! She planned a wedding-like fairy tale celebration and I think each one of us is feeling the withdrawals after spending so much time together. I am more exhausted than I was before I left but it was well worth it. Now back to reality and crunching away at work, trying to find my work-life balance and STILL (yes, STILL) waiting for our apartment to be ready. Soon, hopefully soon!  Oh, and please, the next time I complain about the Caribbean Sea smack me, it´s soooo much warmer and nicer than the Pacific Ocean!!!