Yahoo´s telecommuting issues
In the wake of the recent Yahoo controversy, I read this blog post by Penelope Trunk that gave me a huge wake up call. I´ve already been feeling the pressure of the new job -- people in this job spend way more hours at the job than what I´m used to from my previous job and it´s been making me feel super guilty with the kids at home. At the same time I don´t even feel like I´m spending enough time at work because the learning curve is so huge and I should be spending a ton more hours to really understand what´s going on and to be at par with co-workers and managers. So the constant work life balance struggle was starting to tug at me again. It´s also been a shock to my system just because I had something in my previous job that I took for granted that apparently isn´t as common as I would´ve initially thought. Lots of people around me who wanted the same things for their work-life balance, they wanted to get ahead but also be there for their kids. So I keep crying uncle and think