Gabi's first birthday party in Geneva (not her actual birthday!)
We were invited to Gabi's first birthday party (a kid from school) which we almost missed cause my calendar was off by two hours so I'm grateful the mom actually emailed me the address and CORRECT time about 30 min. before the party started, at which point I ran to the shower and we made it only about 5 min. late which is great. Gabi was super shy most of the party, as were most of the other girls since it was a 95% all boy party! But in Cincinnati she would've been running the joint 5 min. after arriving! By the end of the party though she was hanging out with some friends and totally enjoying the puppet show and asking could the puppet show also come to her birthday party. Still, I can't help to think Gabi is not quite herself yet. That this move has affected her in ways I cannot even begin to understand. I hope my mom's visit this week gives her a little bit of that "home" feeling and that she'll enjoy her grandma's company. She was also p