
Showing posts from June, 2008

Now this is definitely the diet for me

Have you tried the IHOP diet? by ZDNet 's Dana Blankenhorn -- A big breakfast, heavy on the carbs, will cut your cravings throughout the day so you can keep the weight off.

If you're a Desperate Housewife here's an easy way to trade up to the new iPhone

I've of course been pining for the new iPhone. Which of course has resulted in my husband saying "you got your iPhone less than a year ago, there's no way you're getting the new one, there's nothing wrong with yours". And I'm like but it's the new shiny toy! I want the new one because it's better and faster and let's face it, NEWER! But there's no way he'll allow it especially since now that I'm on maternity leave he's kinda the sole breadwinner of the house, on top of which we are nearly broke since we haven't sold the condo (yet) and we are about to start paying a second child's tuition at day care. Go figure how we can be broke with two people working but between day care and house payments and credit card debt and this stupid economy, and the fact that I'm on maternity leave and can therefore go to Kroger or Target practically every other day, well there we are, needing to pinch every penny. But the other da

Even an institution as old as the library is embracing technology

Have you checked out your library recently? If you haven't, I highly recommend it. It's truly your tax dollars at work. I first turned to the library about a year ago because of clutter and because I wanted Gabi to pick up her parents' love of reading. It all started with book clutter (both my husband and I love to read and have very different taste in books which means twice as many books) and quickly evolved to toy clutter as well. But we shall manage the toy issue separately. However, after running out of bookshelf space (even my two year old has run out of bookshelf space) I decided at least I wouldn't keep adding to the book clutter in the house. Plus books are so damn hard to carry when you're moving. My friend Mara was telling me her movers charged her more for her books than for her baby grand piano! Anyway, think of it as a Netflix for books, except for FREE! Well not exactly for free but at least you know where some of your tax dollars are going. But b

Take just one minute

The Mac-less life

Image, that's all I can say. I took my Mac to the Genius Bar a couple of days ago, an event which I always think is going to take 30 minutes but always ends up taking about 2 hours. Because of this I always try to "group" problems together, you know like with cars...wait until enough stuff is wrong with it that it actually merits a trip to the Genius Bar. In this case there are several things wrong with my Mac, and I'm not criticizing Mac at all. My Dell before the Mac died about a year after I bought it. I've had my Mac for 3 years and it's still alive and kicking. Which is not to say I'm not DYING to get a new one, the same way I'm DYING to replace my iPhone with the new one, to replace my old Murano with the new one, and to replace my video camera with one of those tiny ones that you plug directly into your computer and uploads video straight onto YouTube/Google Video. Anyone have one of those? My dad just got one for Father's Day and I'

Trip to Branford, Connecticut

Well the first thing is I can't believe is that I made it in one piece...there and back. My first trip with the two kids, entirely by MYSELF. Which first made me realize my double stroller is not meant for just one person to be able to open and close by themselves, especially not a person with two young kids hanging on to them who's also trying to take off her shoes to check through the security line. Anyway, the weekend was so jammed packed with activities (and somehow relaxing at the same time which seems impossible) that I just had to recap everything we did: - Thursday: arrived at 10:30 am in LGA, made it to the house by about 1 pm, waited for Jake to arrive from the school bus around 4 pm and then we hung out at the beach until Geraldine arrived from work. Then we went to a great little pizza place by the water. - Friday: my sister made me walk 3 miles at 5:45 am. I then sent Jake off to school at 8 am, went crazy with the two kids until Jake got back from the bus around 4

Sex and the City

I'm sitting in the movie theatre with a baby stuck to my boob which is already odd to begin with. What seems even more odd is that my sister has had the brilliant idea of sneaking in a bottle of wine to the movie theatre and has given each of us a little styrofoam cup to drink it from. Now put the picture together of a breastfeeding mom with a styrofoam cup of wine and you've really got a strange picture at hand. We may not have dressed up to the nines for the ocassion, but that's a moment I will never forget. We BARELY made it to the movie on time, and I was so tired (which is my neverending state these days) that I almost wanted to not go to the movie. Getting my daughter and nephew with my brother in law into the movie theatre next to us to see Kung Fu Panda was the only thing we could think of to get away, but getting everyone to the movie theatre was no small feat. Three minutes later I'm being "Carried away" by the fashion and the drama. Two and a half h

Adventures in potty training

Warning: this blog entry is not for the faint of heart (i.e. has words like "poopy" and "pee" which might gross you out). The most amazing thing happened yesterday. As background, ever since Sebastian was born we've had problems having Gabi fall asleep on her own (she's been a darling otherwise so I really can't complain about this). So for nap time (which goes off without a hitch at day care but is a herculean task at home) I went to the guest bedroom with her so that Jose could stay with the baby in our bedroom (otherwise the baby can wake up Gabi when he cries). So Gabi and I are lying in bed and she's giving me the HARDEST time going to sleep -- she's talking to me, she's getting up to close the windows and the door and whatnot, she's moving pillows around, you know, those of you who are parents know they will do a thousand things when they don't want to go to sleep. After like half an hour she says "mommy I have to go pot