If you're a Desperate Housewife here's an easy way to trade up to the new iPhone

I've of course been pining for the new iPhone. Which of course has resulted in my husband saying "you got your iPhone less than a year ago, there's no way you're getting the new one, there's nothing wrong with yours". And I'm like but it's the new shiny toy! I want the new one because it's better and faster and let's face it, NEWER! But there's no way he'll allow it especially since now that I'm on maternity leave he's kinda the sole breadwinner of the house, on top of which we are nearly broke since we haven't sold the condo (yet) and we are about to start paying a second child's tuition at day care. Go figure how we can be broke with two people working but between day care and house payments and credit card debt and this stupid economy, and the fact that I'm on maternity leave and can therefore go to Kroger or Target practically every other day, well there we are, needing to pinch every penny.

But the other day while hanging out at the Genius Bar due to issues with my Mac (see blog entry "The Mac-less life") a lady walked in with a scratched iPhone and wanted it fixed. The genius told her that because the scratch had been a "user accident" (can't remember the exact lingo) that it wasn't covered by the 1-year warranty on the iPhone and would therefore cost $199 to replace. He then proceeded to say "it costs $199 to replace or you can just wait until July 11 and get the new iPhone which is better for the same $199. If I were you I would wait until July 11, or maybe until the next day that day we'll probably be pretty crowded".

Of course what he didn't tell her is that she would probably have to renew her contract with AT&T for 2 more years in order to get the $199 price point, but at least in my case that's not a show stopper.

So, if come July 11 you see that my iPhone has been the victim of a mysterious scratch, please don't tell my husband. I have two kids and a cat I can blame the scratch on and I will then HAVE to get the iPhone replaced. I'm a housewive, and I'm desperate for new technology...


Tom said…
Ivette - don't forget that your internal antenna might be having issues with reception that the 3G won't have any problems with!
Unknown said…
Excellent point! In fact, I just missed TWO very important phone calls; one from work, and one from my husband. Damn that antenna.

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