The Mac-less life, that's all I can say. I took my Mac to the Genius Bar a couple of days ago, an event which I always think is going to take 30 minutes but always ends up taking about 2 hours. Because of this I always try to "group" problems together, you know like with cars...wait until enough stuff is wrong with it that it actually merits a trip to the Genius Bar. In this case there are several things wrong with my Mac, and I'm not criticizing Mac at all. My Dell before the Mac died about a year after I bought it. I've had my Mac for 3 years and it's still alive and kicking. Which is not to say I'm not DYING to get a new one, the same way I'm DYING to replace my iPhone with the new one, to replace my old Murano with the new one, and to replace my video camera with one of those tiny ones that you plug directly into your computer and uploads video straight onto YouTube/Google Video. Anyone have one of those? My dad just got one for Father's Day and I'm sooo jealous. But I digress...

Here's what's currently wrong with my Mac. Firstly the optical drive, which has actually been damaged before. Now I don't know whether my 2 and a half year old has anything to do with this particular problem, but the Mac folks were nice enough to repair it for free even though the 3 year warranty I bought on it expired like TWO WEEKS AGO. If I had been told I needed to pay $300+ to fix the optical drive I would have either walked away without being able to use the drive on it ever again, or I would have bought a new Mac right there on the spot, something which my husband had already warned me against. Secondly I made the mistake of trying to install Safari 3.1.1 on it which I wasn't supposed to do because my OS wasn't recent enough, and when I tried to reinstall the original OS that came with the laptop I couldn't due to the tiny little problem with the optical drive. :) Thankfully they actually installed a newer OS on it which means I'll be a happier camper once I get it back from the repair shop. However, there's a slight chance I might lose all my data (which in my case means pictures and music -- you know, the stuff I LIVE for) which sends me into a bit of a panic. And thirdly, when I tried to reinstall the OS I messed up a lot of the programs I use ALL THE FREAKING TIME like Safari, Messenger, etc.

So I'm patiently waiting for my Mac to get back home, looking at the repair status online every 5 minutes as if the laptop was on Twitter or Facebook. And all I have to say about needing to use the PC to write this is OUCH IT'S BURNING MY LAP!!!!! That's where you start to miss all the little design details that Mac puts on their computers which you take for granted. Gotta love the fact that it stays cool unlike the PC, especially since these days all the computer action I get is in bed when the baby's sleeping by my side. Which brings me to another element I miss so much about my Mac, silent keyboard...


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