
Showing posts from September, 2008

Enjoying a rare moment of peace

By some miracle of nature both kids went down for a nap at the same time today. And it's been almost 2 hours and they're both still sleeping! And since my husband has been glued to the TV with the Ryder Cup for the last 72 hours I said I'll be right back I need to try to find some jeans that don't make me look like a hobo at Gap. Gap is still without power (at least the one by my house) which made for an interesting fitting room experience. There's plenty of natural light that wasn't the problem, but the heat was killing me. However, I did find a great pair of jeans (thank God for Curvy) and also 4 shirts on sale so I was a happy camper! And I got a Kroger shopping trip in there as well which says a lot about my awesome time management skills. Whatevs! By the way, they must be giving stuff away at Kroger or something because the lines are crazy. I also paid back the 6 bags of ice I stole after the power outage last Sunday. I said I would I'm not a th


I found this great quote in the " BabyGuide " magazine which I stole from the pediatrician's office.  I just had to put it up here because I loved it so much. A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bank rolls smaller, homes happier, the past forgotten and the future worth living. And on that note I'm going to home to see my babies.

iPhone 3G

After about 48 hours I finally got my new iPhone working right. I admit during those 48 hours I almost regretted the purchase and went back to my old iPhone. None of my installed applications were working properly so I had to restore a few times which takes forever to do. So literally I got the iPhone around 2 pm on Saturday and it wasn't working right until this morning. But now that it's finally working right I am totally loving it, even more than the original which I thought wasn't possible. Now if only I could figure out how to do a shozu entry on blogger that has both text and pictures I will be golden... Here's an awesome picture of Gabi playing "faceball" taken with the iPhone last Saturday at the soccer field.

My birthday

My husband got me an apple gift card for my birthday which was yesterday so I'm getting the new iPhone first thing tomorrow morning. Well right after I see the doctor about this hacking cough that won't go away and seems like tuberculosis. I think I might need to stop breastfeeding just so I can take some seriously strong medicine. Anyway, back to watching the embarassingly shallow the hills on dvr.