Unofficial kick off to summer

Well, Memorial Day isn't celebrated in Switzerland.  Here the long weekend is NEXT weekend (something about Ascencion and who knows what else but hey I'll take it especially because it's longer than Memorial Day Weekend). In any case, we had our own unofficial kick off to summer by attempting the beaches around Geneva for the first time this year.  The weather was great and the kids had so much fun, mostly because this beach is so shallow they can walk around on their own for a really long time exploring the little "islands". Here is Gabi coming back from one of those little "islands".

Next weekend we are going to the Cote D'Azur which kicks off our "crazy summer of traveling".  The husband has planned so much travel I don't know how we're going to fit it all in, but I won't complain!  We gotta take advantage of the fact that we're here for another year because we don't know what happens after the year whether we stay yet another year or go somewhere else.

This weekend we also had "Kermesse" at Gabi's school - it's like a little world festival with a bunch of booths, music and games. I volunteered to help out in our classroom table for an hour on Saturday morning so the kids enjoyed playing games and winning stuff during that time.  Then we had a little party at our house for the Barcelona-Manchester game. Sebas is so into watching sports with his dad it's so funny.  Here he is booing Manchester in his Barca sweatshirt.  His favorite sport though is definitely F1, made us watch the Monaco qualifier and Grand Prix as much as possible!


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