Tourist's Lima

With all the craziness of activity that's been going on these last few weeks (now both kids seem to be sick not to mention crap that goes wrong with Jose's grandma's house all the time), there hasn't been much time to take my mom to do tourist thing (other than what I like to call the gastronomic tour of Lima).  So today we did the express version of the "Turibus" of Lima to take her to see some of the most important sights.  Thankfully we also got lucky and got the sun to come out, although not at the catacombs which we visited!  Good thing the kids weren't there because they would've been pretty frightened.  In fact, there were kids in the tour that weren't so happy with that particular portion of the tour.  We had taken the kids to see the catacombs in Rome while we were living in Switzerland and they were already pretty scared.  While these catacombs are smaller overall (they've only dug one level deep vs. the 3 that are there below the San Francisco of Assisi's church) there's a lot more bones to see than the ones we've seen before in Rome!  Here's just a sampling of that... (no pictures were allowed but I snuck a few in with the iPhone).

Hopefully before my mom leaves next week we have some time to visit the typical Inca markets for some nice cultural artifacts for mom to take back to Puerto Rico.  And hopefully she can also come back to visit within the year.


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