
Yesterday I did my first race as a resident of Peru!  Hadn't trained for squat because between my mom's visit and the kids' ongoing sickness I haven't had much time for exercise.  Definitely don't want my mom to leave (which she does tomorrow) but hopefully once I'm back to a "normal" routine I can fit exercise into my day a little bit better.

I was scheduled to run with two of Jose's cousins, although one of the cousins we couldn't find at the start of the race so it was just Marco and me.  Marco doesn't run often but he does other types of exercises pretty much every day so he's fit (not to mention much younger than me!).  So he went in with a goal of doing 10K in 45 minutes and all I wanted to do was less than 1 hour.  Although once I started and I realized how humid it was and how out of breath I was (and out of shape!) all I wanted to do was finish.  I tried to keep up with Marco but around the 7th Km when we opened a gap between us too wide for me to close I just told him to go ahead without me!  Then I just felt like walking or quitting altogether -- that's exactly what running partners are for!  But I felt bad for him because I know he wanted to go much faster than what we were doing.  In the end he went ahead of me for the last 3 Km or so and I slowed down a bit during those last 10 Km but thanks to the stupid peer pressure of Facebook and the Nike+ app I felt I had to do it!  I guess that's what those apps are good for but while you're doing it your hating yourself for having posted on all the social media channels that you were about to start a 10 Km race. :)

I did 58:37 official time for the whole 10 Km which I'm pretty sure is a personal record for me.  I loved using the Nike+ app and will definitely use it for the next 10 Km which is coming up in two weeks time (hopefully I'll be in SLIGHTLY better shape by then).  I also love the fact that my husband will do that one with me.  He'll probably make some testosterone-induced bet to beat one of his cousins (even though my husband's definitely not used to running), and I'll be happy to just beat the 58:37 by ANY amount of time!


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