It's beginning to look a lot like... I really want to move to my new house but probably won't be able to until the end of January! Argh, so frustrating.  Trying to be really patient but there are just some "creature comforts" I feel like I am entitled to NOW! Like what you say (thinking I sound like a Gen Y'er or Millenial or whatever they're called).  Like clothes for work would be nice.  Yep, I've accepted a job offer with L'Oreal and I need to start soon but guess what, all my working clothes are in boxes, together with my summer clothes.  Well it's getting warm and it's getting to the point where I'm going to need professional looking clothes but all those things are still in boxes because I never thought it would take this long to move into our new place.  The cat is also starting to act out -- he's peeing and pooping in places he's not supposed to.  And I know that part of it is because he's living with a dog which he's not used to doing and he's locked up a long part of the day which he's not used to either.  Both things would get solved by moving into our new place but we have to keep waiting and I have to keep being patient.

In the meantime, I am excited about the prospect of rejoining the work force even though I really would've loved to be settled into the new place before starting a job.  Now I've got a feeling everything is going to collide at the same time: first starting the job, second having to move into the place and organize everything and un-make the mess of boxes and stuff that's scattered everywhere, and finally the kids will be on summer vacation (and without a lot to do during the day) while I try to do all those things at the same time.  Working, moving and kids at the house with nothing to do? Probably a recipe for a lot of stress.  So I'm almost wishing we could skip summer and fast forward to March when I can put all this craziness behind me.  Almost.

For now I leave with you a clip from Sebas' soccer class.  One thing I am trying to enjoy while I'm not working is being able to go to kids activities and do volunteering and stuff like that.  Cause once I start working I know that spare time will be very hard to come by!  Which reminds me, I still have a boatload of Christmas shopping to do before the 24th...Yikes.


jessica said…
congrats por el nuevo trabajo!! cuando empiezas? te tocara viajar mucho o es mas en Peru? avisa si llegas a Miami. :) besitos y ojala salgas de cajas pronto.
Unknown said…
Gracias Jessica! Empiezo en diciembre aunque muy poco y luego ya de lleno en enero. Por ahora parece que no tengo que viajar mucho asi que eso es un plus para no tener que dejar a los gordos! Un abrazo.

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