La Vuelta a San Isidro 8K

I can't write anything about the Newton school tragedy because it still hurts to even think about it. I've been trying to avoid the news and Facebook because every time I hear about one of the children or one of the teachers who died helping save children my heart breaks all over again.  I was literally sick to my stomach all day Friday and I cried at all hours of the day in the most inconvenient places.  I drank half a bottle of wine to numb the pain and cried myself to sleep.  And I'm just a spectator in this whole big mess, I can't even imagine the pain the parents are going through right now.

So instead I'll just write about the last race we did which included Sebas and had a very festive Holiday feel to it so those were my two favorite things about it.  I did 8 Km (5 miles) in 45:54 which is a personal best for me but it was also hard because I was trying to keep up with my husband the whole time.  Then towards the end when we wanted me to go faster because we were almost at the finish I was literally screaming at him saying "No, if you want to go faster you go faster! I've been going at a pace way faster than what I'm comfortable with the whole time I'm not about to start going any faster Mister thank you very much!".  I guess the fact that I was blasting my music on the iPhone made me scream even louder than I thought I was screaming.  :)

The picture above was clearly taken BEFORE the race started because I was still smiling ha ha.  I don't think I felt quite as comfortable as I did in the Nextel one I did recently. Part of it was Jose pushing me outside of my comfortable place but we also hadn't had a chance to do a practice run the weekend before because Sebas had croup so I had to rush him to the ER on Sunday morning.  He's all better now thankfully and done with classes (another thing I was really sad about on Friday before learning about Newton, he's "graduated" from his day care and moving to Gabi's school and I was really sad to say goodbye to all the teachers.  We've only been at that day care for a few months but I really loved the experience and am sad to say goodbye).

But definitely my favorite part of this race was how excited my little champion was to do his first race.  I hope he gets a joy out of running and that he'll want to keep doing it!  I would love to have a running partner 10 years from now...

I'm bummed I couldn't capture video of him running but he kinda bolted after they left the starting line and I wasn't able to keep up!  But at least we were able to take pictures of everyone wearing the official shirt and him with his medal. :)

Now that school is over until beginning of March we are in the midst of planning all kinds of sports activities for the summer. Let's see how the kids hold up with all that physical activity.  We were able to have a proper beach day yesterday the club we just joined so it's awesome to be able to start reaping some membership benefits like all the sports activities and access to a really nice beach for the kids (although the Pacific Ocean is too cold for me!).


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