A Modern Pope?

I am spending a lot of time in traffic these days so I take that as an opportunity to catch up on podcasts. What's on my listening queue (which is getting too long by the way thanks to NPR!)?

  • The EntreLeadership podcast (not quite sure I will stick with this one long term)
  • HBR IdeaCast
  • Fresh Air
  • Slice of MIT
  • Hay House Meditations
  • Latino USA (love love love!)
  • This American Life (can I love anymore?!!?)
  • The Moth (ditto)
  • TEDTalks (who doesn't love?)
  • Another Mother Runner (#bamr)
  • Tara Brach
  • Coffee Break French (gotta practice in case I ever move back to Europe!)

This one podcast on Pope Francis' policies and how they have changed the Catholic church is soooo interesting. I am really intrigued by the balance he's trying to strike between being a Catholic (and inherently Conservative) and being a "Liberal" in several aspects.  I guess any topic lately which illustrates this struggle to strike a balance between two seemingly opposite themes is really striking a nerve with me lately, not sure why.  I am also really impressed with his politics savvy (and the fact that he's a chemist!).  Here's the link to the podcast or you can play directly from here.

I am also on a reading kick these days (more on the book I'm currently reading in another post) so I definitely want to add this book to my reading list! I know it's a bit ambitious though, because between the podcasts and the reading I wouldn't have time for much else. But one can always dream of having plenty of time to read right? Like those crazy people who read 52 books a year as part of a challenge. If I ever find myself unemployed again, that's what I'm doing...


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