Baby's eye was reeeeeeed!

We just had a huge scare with the baby tonight which hopefully will turn out ok in the end. Turns out that lately there are some nights where he drinks his bottle so fast and furious that he kinda gags on it and ends up eventually throwing up, we don't think it's left over from his reflux days because otherwise it would be more consistent and it's always just that last bottle at night before he goes to bed.  Needless to say we've been doing a lot of laundry lately.

Anyway, today we had a crazy scare. The baby starts throwing up but it seems that maybe more than normal and I guess he's been coughing a lot lately cause he seems to have a cold so that may be adding to the intensity of the throwing up.  But at some point I look at him and his right eye is all reddish and it actually starts tearing up but red bloody tears that then start running down his cheek.  So my husband who is a bit of a freak out starts saying "what's happening, what's happening" and I kinda freaked out too with that blood coming out of his eye because I'd never seen something like that before it was like straight out of a scary movie so I started screaming at him to call 911.  Granted it wasn't this huge amount of blood just spouting everywhere nothing like that, it was more like these pinkish red tears coming down his cheeks.

Of course by the time the Fire Department shows up the baby's eye is no longer bleeding and he's happy as can be.  Always happens right?! Not that we've called the Fire Department a lot but I guess it's been 3 times in 3 years so maybe that is a lot?  They said he seemed fine (of course, and thankfully actually!) so they recommended to just called the pediatrician, who called me half an hour later and had no idea what it could be because she had never heard of something like that.

So baby's happily asleep now and of course I'm going to check on him every 5 min. to make sure he's ok, even though I'm sure he is.  I have left a message for a pediatric ophtalmologist to see if it's something we need to have him checked out for, but this whole thing just makes me think about how many scares we go through as parents and how the majority of the time things are fine (thank God) but boy we definitely go through some stressful moments where your calm and (common sense!) are tested.

I guess now I can add to the "Baby's Firsts" entry FIRST BLOODY EYE -- February 19, 2009.  And it wasn't a girl who punched him in the face.  :)


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