Just because...

Sebastian woke us up at 4 am and didn't want to go to sleep even after giving him TWO whole bottles of formula. This morning I needed to show up to work a little bit early (around 8:30 am) and I go get myself a coffee downstairs cause I didn't have enough time for Drive-Thru Dunkin Donuts. As I get my capuccino I go over to the condiments table and open up my two packets of Splenda but instead of pouring it into the coffee I start pouring it into the trash. At the same time and old co-worker walks up to me and notices what I'm doing and says:

J: "Ivette what are you doing?"

Me: "Oh, I'm pouring sugar into the trash."

J: "I can see that. But why?"

Me: "Cause I haven't slept!"

Now my contact went up way into my eye (I only wear a contact in one eye I know it's weird but I had LASIK a while ago) so now I can barely see what I'm typing.  I guess that just means more coffee is in my future...


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