
I started training last week to do the half marathon in the Geneva UNICEF Marathon on May 15.  I think it'll be a really pretty run so I am looking forward to the actual race day.  I have also always dreamed of seeing my little kids cheering for me on the sidelines so hopefully this is the year we can make that happen. :)  Also it'll be cool because I'll be able to say I've run races in 3 continents! (North America, South America and Europe).

However first time I got on the treadmill here at work (it's still a little bit cold for me to go outside plus I'm not running with anyone) I almost died because I had this sinus infection that later got diagnosed. So while I did my 1st day 3 miles it felt like hell and I wasn't able to do anything until a week later (so I didn't do my "long run" although thankfully it's early on it was only 4 miles so I feel like I didn't miss that much). I also kinda hate the treadmill but at least it's right here at work and I can easily get in and out of the gym and take a quick shower after running. But anyway, I did my 3 miles yesterday again on the treadmill and again felt like hell because this stupid sinus infection won't go away.  Today I'm supposed to do cross training but my spleen hurts from not being able to breathe properly yesterday so I think I'll take the day off and do 3 miles tomorrow.

Anyway, I know training has its ups and downs so I hope these are the downs and the ups are just around the corner.  This Saturday I will try my 5 miles outside, I think running around my house might be a nice change of pace. But I do miss the comraderie from group training with Feet Fleet in Cincinnati.  There is a P&G Geneva Runners Group and they will get together next week for a meeting so I'm looking forward to that to see if there are some group runs.


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