Gabi lost her first tooth!

She is so excited because she is now "officially" a big girl!  I thought this would happen later but apparently she's a little ahead of the curve on this one since she tells me she's the first one in her classroom to lose one tooth.  She was very excited that she shared this special day with her Dad's birthday.  But she was even more excited by the Tooth Fairy visit.  She says she actually SAW the Tooth Fairy even though she didn't have a wand. This coming from a girl who was actually to scared to put the tooth under her pillow so instead put it in Sebas' little training toilet.  Weird place for a Tooth Fairy to leave money.  I wonder where the "Toilet Fairy" will leave money when Sebas starts going to the potty full time?


Jessica said…
LMAO! como me he reido por donde dejo el diente Gaby, y q te dice de pq en ese lugar tan peculiar? super funny. i'm so excited for her, and can't wait por nati, she's also looking forward to it pq ella es la mas pequena de su clase entonces ya hay varias nenas q han mudado diente y ella can't wait. pero no puedo contarle q a gaby la tooth fairy le trajo $15! :)
Unknown said…
le tuve que hacer la matematica a jose que multiplicar $15 por diente por 20 dientes x 2 ninos nos iba a quebrar. Puedes creer que Jose pensaba que uno solo pierde 8 dientes en su vida? Se lo tuve que buscar en Wikipedia y todavia me muero de la risa pensando en eso. Creo que Jose finalmente se dio cuenta que los proximos dientes tienen que ser menos de $15 o nos vamos a quebrar. :)

Pues Gabi evidentemente tenia una poco de miedo de encontrarse con la Tooth Fairy encima de ella en medio de la noche por ponerle el dinero debajo de la almohada. Asi que el "port-o-potty" esta a la entrada del cuarto lo cual creo que era un "safe distance" para Gabi. Lo puso ENCIMA del toilet pero entonces Jose puso la plata DENTRO and it was super funny...Gabi actually se desperto en medio de la noche (lo cual nunca pasa) y se trajo su plata y se paso a mi cama. She was waaaaay too excited.

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