First loose tooth!

I can't believe it but I have a little grown up girl!  Gabi's first tooth came loose yesterday. Even though every time I say to someone "Gabi has a loose tooth" she corrects me saying "I haven't lost it yet!!!".  :)  My only "benchmark" was my nephew Jake who lost his first tooth when he was 7 so even though the dentists had told me between 5 and 7 I wasn't expecting it to happen this soon!

She's quite proud of it so here's a picture of that (even though you cannot tell at all the tooth is loose from the pictures of course).  But she was talking to EVERYONE about this yesterday and first thing today when she saw the nanny she wanted to tell her!  Although I don't know how she communicated "I've got a loose tooth" in Spanish but somehow she got through.  She also thinks that the process only takes 24 hours because that's the one benchmark she has, so she's quite impatient for the tooth fairy to arrive.  Let's see how long it actually takes.

To go along with the "big girl" idea I cut her bangs yesterday, she's never had bangs before.  Now clearly I will never be a hair stylist because they are lopsided and too short.  So I am just hoping they grow a little bit before our trip to PR so we can fix them either right before, or maybe in Puerto Rico (way cheaper to get a haircut there than here!). So I will only post pictures when I feel like they look OK!  I am such an embarassment to hair styling.  First I botched Sebas' bangs (thank goodness they've already grown) and now Gabi's.  But she's really proud she says she looks like Hannah Montana and her cousin Mia.


Eddie Storms said…
Your child having their first loose tooth is a milestone for parents everywhere since it shows that they are growing up fine under your guidance and it is something to be proud of. My friend, being a proud mom, has a collection of her kids' tooth with descriptions where she keeps in a journal of her parenthood.

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