Skiing when it's actually winter

This was a great weekend despite freezing temperatures!  First everyone is quickly recovering -- I'm probably the farthest one behind but at least I feel good enough to be useful. :)  Then Dad and Jose both arrived on Thursday and Friday afternoon we drove to Tignes for another round of skiing.  While I stayed with the kids most of the time (and most of the time indoors because it was soooo cold!) it was a very relaxing weekend and the boys got to enjoy their skiing.  Whereas in November there wasn't nearly enough snow now there's actually too much snow!  The good thing is all the runs are connected with snow so you can go everywhere around the mountain in skis (or sled if you're me and the kids).   Here's Jose and Dad starting their first run on the first day, basically leaving from right in front of our apartment and this tunnel took them to one of the lifts.

On the way back on Sunday afternoon we stopped at Annecy for a late lunch and took some beautiful pictures of Annecy at night, which I never had seen before "in person".  This one was from my iPhone which came out even better than the one with the Canon.

Next up some more goodbyes. :(   Dad is leaving on Wednesday and Jose's leaving this weekend to go back to Cincinnati for a few weeks.  C'est la vie!


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