First day at the office

I yelled at the kids probably more than I should've this morning. I broke a hair brush trying to get Gabi to listen to me! I wanted them to understand it was my first day of work and it was so important to me and could they just behave for ONE day!?! Of course they were totally oblivious to how important today was to me, why should they understand? Gabi actually wanted to come to the office with me! Jose is traveling this week too and that didn't help with the morning routine. Funny thing was I was just sad to leave them and was acting out. Of course I was a bit stressed because I wanted my first day of work to go smoothly and it wasn't going smoothly at all. But of course I should've never expected it to go smoothly, not with two young children in the house! But more than anything I was just sad to leave them after so long. I cried a few times before actually walking through the office doors.  I felt like coming back from maternity leave times ten.  Because now they're little people not 3 month old babies who can't even talk.  And I spent 8 whole months with them and as much as that was stressful with the move here and not having our own house yet, I realize how lovely (and rare) it was to have those 8 months with them.

Those little monsters. Can't live with them, can't live without them. :)  I love them so much, I hope going back to work turns out to be good for the whole family even if I can't spend as much time with them as I did for the last 8 months.


Jessica said…
Mucho exito en tu nuevo trabajo Ivette! Como me dijo una amiga hace tiempo cuando estaba con esos mismos estresses que tu... los nenes luego veran lo grande q eres pues se daran cuenta de tu exito profesional y de q a la misma vez fuiste la mejor mama del mundo. :) Y que tal la nanny? Mucho exito!!
Unknown said…
Gracias Jessica, la nanny hasta ahora super bien! Me hubiera gustado podido pasar un poco mas de "transition time" con ella pero por lo menos esta aqui en la casa de la abuela de Jose donde hay mas gente que lleva mas tiempo con nosotros que pueden ayudarla un poco.

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