
I installed TruPhone for my trip to Peru so that I could call back to the US (dad, mom, sister) without having to pay the outrageous prices AT&T charges for international roaming calls (and don't even get me started on international roaming DATA plans!).

Anyway, today I was talking about it to a friend of mine at work who's an iPhone "buddy" and convinced him to download it on his phone. Lo and behold when I get home from work I get an email saying they announced that they have just partnered with Skype to offer Skype services via the TruPhone application. The best just keep getting better, don't they? And like my friend B. said, you can't beat free! So if you haven't checked out TruPhone yet, I definitely think it's worth the search on the iPhone App Store.


Tom said…
Hey Ivette - how awesome is the iPhone? Did you get a bill yet for the Peru trip - were the calls free?
Unknown said…
I don't think I paid more than $1 for all my calls combined. The iPhone is truly a life changing gadget. Did you see that now amazon is offering the kindle on it?

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