The wind has changed...

On Friday afternoon we went to Target to get Gabi some movies as a reward for sleeping in her room all night (it's been 4 days and she's slept through the whole night 3 out of the 4!). On Saturday night she snuck back into our bed around 2:30 am and we were too tired to do things the "right way" and take her back.  

In any case, Jose convinced her to get Mary Poppins because he loved that movie as a kid.  I didn't think that was a good idea because personally I wasn't a big Mary Poppins fan when I was growing up.  I didn't like the "real people" Disney movies nearly as much as I liked the animated ones.  Also, for the duration of Friday night and Saturday during the day despite the fact that we had Mary Poppins on had Gabi insited on watching Star Wars!!! (she's a strange one indeed).  Finally on Saturday afternoon Jose convinces her to watch Mary Poppins by telling her it was Paloma's favorite movie.  OMG...what ensued!  She LOOOOOOOOOVEEEED the freaking movie, that's all she wants to watch now.  She dances to the songs (you can see her dancing to "Step in Time!" which I have started to really enjoy too because of the dancing), and she was so sad the first time she saw it because Mary Poppins went away, she started crying histerically that Mary Poppins had gone away!

When one of the final songs comes up ("Let's go fly a kite") Jose goes off one of his crazy rants singing the song and then finally says to Gabi, "let's go to the park and fly a kite Gabi, we're going to see Mary Poppins there! You'll see, she'll come back!" (nice Jose - now the kid has unrealistic expectations that she can not only do magic to clean her room but that whenever we go fly a kite Mary Poppins will magically appear).  Anyway, I remember I got a Penguin kite last year at TJ Maxx so in the spur of the moment, Mary Poppins induced euphoria we go to the park to fly the kite.  There's this huge fortress in Old San Juan called El Morro where people go fly kites all the time so I remember doing that a lot as a kid.  So I'm thinking "Easy Breezy" (no pun intended) and since Jose's arm is still in a sling I take it upon myself to fly this kite.  3 hours later and about 5 miles of running later the kite has gone nowhere.  A cute little old couple walks by and asks me if I give kite lessons. Har har.  I even google "how to fly a kite" to see if there's something I'm missing.

I guess there wasn't any wind, and I guess I took it for granted that it's so easy to fly a kite back in El Morro.  And me with my new "positive thinking" meditation crap going "This kite will fly, this kite will fly, this kite will fly".  But nothing.  Gabi was so disappointed mostly because Mary Poppins didn't show up since the kite didn't take off, but she did have a blast at the park.  We went the next day and the kite again didn't take off, but Sebastian met a cute girl who's older than him (just like me and Jose) -- by 2 days.  So even if the positive thinking didn't get the kite to fly, at least we have reclaimed our bed, so I guess all in all it's a good thing. Cause let me tell you, between getting my positive thinking to result in a kite flying vs. getting it to get my daughter to sleep in her room all night I'll take the sleeping in her room in a heartbeat.  Even if that means we don't see Mary Poppins at the park.  So I guess the wind has changed after all. And since we're going to PR in a couple of weeks we'll see if the wind at El Morro does the trick.


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