Child Care

We are enjoying our stay -- but I definitely do miss being in the old little world where I felt the kids were so happy. I feel guilty about making them be here at home, I feel like they are all bored and I think back to their wonderful teachers and their wonderful friends and feel badly for pulling them out of that happy world! I think things will get better for them soon but my heart breaks leaving them at home with the nanny. The nanny is wonderful but of course she has other responsibilities too and is not there to play with them all the time. So it's just Sebas and Gabi and I feel like they just get bored all day long. They go to the park every once in a while which is the highlight of their day when they do go. Thankfully Sebas isn't biting anymore, although he pinches now! :)

Next week Gabi will go to a one week summer camp in her new school - while it's only one week I think it'll help her maybe get to know some people and just do a lot of fun activities for a week. But I'm afraid poor little Sebas will be heart broken when she leaves the house too. They have a couple of friends in the neighborhood but they can barely understand each other! But they still figure it out. So all in all I think it'll be much better when they go to school in september, although sadly Sebas cant go until NEXT September when he's 3. We tried to look for day cares for at least a few days a week but there's just nothing available -- I guess the collective thinking is that women shouldn't work until the baby's 3 so there just aren't many day cares and they're all full. The funny thing is I know they are fine, it's just probably working mommy guilt! And once they're both in school next september I'm sure it'll be great.

Funny story...our brother in law moved to California and his wife is a stay at home mom.  So I am telling Gabi how her cousin is now in California and she asks where her Mommy works and I say the whole "her Mommy works at home she stays with your cousin" and she goes "Mom, can we move to California so that you can stay at home?".  Somehow she equated living in California with stay at home mom.  Me? Heart broken, check.  Working mommy guilt, double check.

Sebas is talking more than ever. Bona fide chatter box.  In the morning he gives me a kiss and a hug and says "go to work now mommy". The nanny speaks only Spanish so he's learning more Spanish words now. Gabi tries to translate for him when he can't make himself understood (which is rare because that boy knows how to get a word in). It's very cute.

They love their new bunk bed! Sebas of course gets the bottom and Gabi gets the top. I was scared that would mean Sebas would just get out so much more easily but he's pretty good about staying in bed all night. Gabi's the one who gets out. :)

I've realized that when you're a family where both parents work Geneva is not much different than Cincinnati. You work your ass off all week try to get home early so you can be with the kids, try to do something special with them in the weekends to make up for leaving them all week. Granted the places you can take them on the weekends are definitely BREATHTAKING, but other than that I would say no different than Cincinnati! Except for FRIENDS. That tips the scale in favor of Cincinnati. BIG TIME.


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