Cell phone discounts

I just learned there are cell phone discounts for Cingular and Verizon to P&G employees. No need to renew a contract or anything. Just go to the sites, enter your work e-mail, click on the link you'll get e-mailed, and follow to discounts for existing accounts. Super easy.

Here are the links for Cingular and Verizon:

  • 12% discount on all plans
  • $25 off total order
  • Many phones are discounted more than normal
  • 6% discount on all plans
  • Many phones are discounted more than normal
And just for kicks I'm attaching this Cingular ad which I just love, I think it's so freaking funny. I'm a Cingular customer through and through, especially now that they're coming out with the iPhone in June/July.


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