TR Knight is not leaving Grey's

Granted this is very old but I got really excited when I read it so I hope even today it's actually true and that's why I thought to post it even if it was old.

By Kristin Veitch
Jan 29, 2007 11:55 AM
T.R. Knight is not leaving Grey's Anatomy.

I repeat, T.R. Knight is not leaving Grey's Anatomy.

And for what it's worth, I really did try to set this story straight as soon as I saw it pop up in our message boards Friday, when a poster who claims to know someone who knows someone who works for the Grey's catering department ('cause the guy scooping out grits always has the most accurate scoop, right?) claimed that T.R. was so upset by how ABC handled the Isaiah-gate scandal he was quitting the hit show.

As I posted in the boards on Friday, this rumor is not true. I have spoken with reliable sources connected to the show, as well as T.R.'s personal publicist and the show's ABC rep, and can tell you that T.R. is staying on the show. In fact, the ABC rep "irrefutably denies" the rumor. (And trust me, this kind of strong language would not be used if there were even rumblings of T.R. leaving.)

You Grey's fans feel better now? Hope so.

For exclusive scoop on what's coming up on Grey's Anatomy and for T.R.'s character—who, did I mention, is staying put?—stand by for my latest live-ly chat, which posts tonight.


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