The Move

The move went well although the house isn’t nearly as set up as I’d like it to be – no TV, phone, internet! So the kids are at home trying to get used to a new nanny without too much entertainment. Plus none of our move has made it yet so we’re basically living off the same suitcases we’ve been living off since May 24th when we moved out of the house in Cincinnati. And our washing machine wasn’t hooked up until this morning so we’re all wearing clothes that are a little bit stinky. But that’s the European way I guess!!!

At least we’re out of the hotels I was getting so tired of the hotel life especially when Gabi hit her head on a corner table last Friday and we ended up in the ER! I practiced my French a lot as a result – I’m learning FAST. But after that I was like “THAT’S IT! THIS HOTEL ROOM IS TOO SMALL WE’RE GOING TO THE HOUSE”. And we have groceries for the house so we can at least eat home cooked meals (by the nanny which are so much better than anything I could do on my own). We have temporary furniture so at least we have beds, table, sofa, etc. But we are DYING to have TV and Internet!!! The area where we live is super nice and there’s tons of kids we’ve already met some neighbors and are hoping to meet more through some organized BBQ’s and stuff.

We flew business class which Gabi loooooved. Those huge seats that have personal tv and lay down all the way to sleep. Although we didn’t sleep too much but it was comfortable at least! Here is a picture of her in business class. They miss their Fig Newtons from the US but at least I found Oreos at one of the supermarkets. We also found a little Peruvian restaurant so at least we can get our cravings fix that way. They loved Sebas’ Peruvian t-shirt that he was wearing the day we showed up (also attached).

The gym here at work has massages and waxing, all expendable to your health plan! Isn’t that crazy. There are classes every day at 12:30 pm so I am waiting to get enrolled so I can start working out. Plus that’ll be 6:30 am in Cinci so hopefully no emergencies blow up in my face when I am trying to get to the gym.


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