Public Transportation

Today I took the bus into work for the first time. It's a relatively short walk from our house to the bus stop and then two buses to make it to work. This is definitely where the Swiss start to impress. The buses are on time, there is an iPhone app to show you the routes and times, the buses are super clean, and even though it took me slightly longer to make it to work than if I had been driving (55 minutes vs. 45) I don't have to worry about getting lost, or the damn stop and go traffic, or parking here at work (which is 12 swiss francs a day), plus I can read a book on the way to work, listen to music, read email, etc. So that's definitely something I hope to keep doing every day. Not to mention it's green too!

I also started to work out again. I joined the gym here at work. About twice as expensive as the one back in Cincinnati but it's a very pretty facilities with the whole placed windowed with views to the city. I haven't tried the group classes yet but hopefully tomorrow. It's a bit intimidating that everyone is so damn good looking, and it's also weird that they don't provide towels or those wipe thingies you use to clean the equipment. But oh well. Plus I'm working out while the people in the US haven't started working yet so I feel like I can work out a good 45 minutes in peace. I still want to get outside and do some running though.

Leaving the kids at home with the nanny is still hard. We are now looking for summer camps and other things so that at least Gabi can have some fun before school starts. But they are always so sad to see me go in the morning, it breaks my heart.


jessica said…
hola ivette, gracias por postear tus experiencias... mucho exito con todo, cuentame como conseguiste la nanny? alguien te dio referencias? por lo que cuentas hace de todo, vive con ustedes tambien? es como en latinoamerica? me imagino a los nenes cuando te vas, hang in there y gracias por compartir tu aventura. your fan. :)
Unknown said…
jessica, la nanny la conseguimos a traves de unos amigos que originalmente son de mejico, trabajaron en PR por mucho tiempo, y luego mientras nosotros estabamos en Cincinnati ellos estaban aca. Casualidad que ahora ellos justo se van a Cincinnati asi que nos quedamos con su nanny. Llevan varios anos con ella asi que eso tiene que contar, verdad? Lo unico es que nuestros amigos no se van hasta julio asi que por ahora tenemos una temporera. Muchos carinos. Ivette.

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