Ten Years Ago

‎10 years ago...I was at Mariselle's graduation, celebrated Carin's bday with her, went to visit my sister to celebrate my nephew's 1st bday, went to concerts for Juan Luis Guerra and Carlos Vives, said farewell to German who was moving to Geneva, started seeing Jose, and worked on Pampers (among others).

10 years later......I was at Mariselle's wedding, celebrated Ida's bday with her, went to visit my sister to celebrate my son's 2nd bday, am going to Shakira (and hopefully Gaga!), said farewell to my friends and moved to Geneva, still married to the man I started seeing then, and now he works on Pampers. :)

In short, 2000 and 2010 are two sides of the same coin. I'm blessed to still be close to all these wonderful people after so many years. Hope in 2020 I can look back and say the same.


Anonymous said…
You better be with my grand kids and my son 10, 20 and 30 years from now.!

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